Women of the Northwest
Ordinary Women Leading Extraordinary Lives
Interviews with interesting women.
Motivating. Inspiring. Compelling.
Podcasting since 2021 • 110 episodes
Women of the Northwest
Latest Episodes
When Scams Hit Home: Personal Accounts
In this podcast episode, we talk about various scams, how scammers lead us to believe them, and what to watch for.Guests are Kyle Rea, Kay Schrieber, Dale SchrieberHost Jan Johnson narrates her harrowing experience of falling vict...
Episode 109

How One Woman Changed the Surf Industry with Lexie Hallahan
Lexi's WebsiteJan's websiteIn this podcast episode, Lexi Hallihan shares her incredible journey from watching 'The Love Boat' as a teenager to bec...
Episode 108

On Science, Philippines and Ice Cream
This episode begins with some women-on-the-street interviews asking two questions:1- When you graduated from high school, what was it like? What did you expect your life would look like?2. Did things turn out the way you expected?
Episode 107